How often do you talk to others for advice on different areas of your life? A chat with a friend can help you see a problem or challenge in a new light, enabling you to think more clearly and find a way of coping with it. How many times have you found yourself saying “why didn’t I think of that?” when having such a chat? And yet when it comes to business, many people never even consider engaging the services of a business coach. They may have built their business from the bottom up, and could be so used to looking inward for answers they’ve never done it any other way. Getting bogged down in the day-to-day running of the business When you are running your business, it can be difficult finding the time – let alone the viewpoint – to assess your progress. A business coach can help you stay in touch with the bigger picture, and to find out what you want to achieve next. Be careful to choose someone with the skills you’re looking for. They should have experience ...
Rosia Bay Ltd is an Executive Coaching & Business Management support operation based in Newark. With over 35 years hands on senior leadership experience and ten years as a qualified Coach, Rosia Bay aims to provide helpful advice and insight in our posts.