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Independent Meeting Facilitation - An Untapped Resourse

Whilst Chair at Vistage, I facilitated meetings for my CEO members as an added value service. The success and positive feedback from this activity led me to investigate and understand the use of this professional service.

It is, I guess not surprising that few businesses use the services of a professional meeting facilitator, yet the benefits and value has proven to be significant for so many reasons.

Leaders who are charged with creating and executing a strategic vision have found the presence of a well-qualified facilitator essential to keeping participants objective, open, creative and, above all, on track. By using an experienced facilitator you will almost certainly accomplish more in your meetings, delve deeper into critical issues and resolve them much more robustly. People who have attended meetings hosted by a facilitator also talk about leaving with a stronger sense of cohesiveness, stronger sense of participation and a greater belief that they accomplished something of value.

For me and seeing it from both sides of the table, as a leader, the strongest argument in using a facilitator sits with the ability of the leader to focus on the meeting, the contribution, the ability to be seen as an equal and open up the comfort of all participants to speak without fear that they are working to an agenda or worse still against one.

Having a well-designed process to guide the group can reduce the barriers that prevent a team’s ability to take the objective, long-term overview that strategy requires.

A facilitator therefore add value by ensuring:-
  • Strategic discussions are richer and focused on strategy
  • Conversations are focused, not on the past but rather forward and on the vision of the organisation
  • Discussion stays focused on the “big picture” rather than wallowing too deeply in the weeds
  • Thinking is open and creative without barriers
  • Specific priorities and actions are detailed
So whats the role of the facilitator and what should you expect.

Once you have decided to engage a facilitator, the first thing the facilitator will do is meet and fully understand

  • The background to the meeting
  • The agenda, outcomes and objectives
  • The venue and timing
  • The attendees, roles and personalities
  • Structure of the day so that they can take appropriate control
  • Agreed ground rules with you so they can hold you to account as well
  • Timeline for feedback and summarise the meeting
  • Requirements for follow up if any
I note that there is a differing opinion on whether the proposed facilitator should have specific experience in the industry or sector.

My personal view and experience it not, in my experience both as a facilitator and a user of one, the skill of facilitation far outweighs any knowledge on the sector, in fact, I find that limited knowledge will engender a more open and exploratory debate which, may uncover new angles and areas of opportunity previously ignored or missed.
That said, I would certainly endorse you meet with any prospective facilitator, there has to be a good understanding between you and equally you need to make sure you are comfortable they can represent you and deliver a great meeting.

Do you need help getting the most out of your meetings? Contact us at Rosia Bay, or learn more by visiting our website.


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