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Showing posts from May, 2022

Trouble on the High Street

The story on the High Street continues to worsen, and it's not going to get any better any time soon. McColl's are the latest of the "big boys" to fall under the current trading climate, but I want us to focus on the independent high street business, where regardless of the sector, is going through a torrid time. Of course it all started with Covid, the impact this had on all of our lives is well documented and experienced through our own lens, and for an independent high street business, the unknown put pressure on mental health and cash flow. But as we came out of lockdowns and restrictions began to reduce, we all found ourselves slowly moving back to our own "normal". For the High Street businesses, this didn't have a uniformed impact, we are still seeing less people out on the High Street, the elderly in particular have been slower to start to venture out. On top of that, peoples shopping habits have changed. Many are going out and only visiting shop...

Culture & Change Management

These days I hear a lot of talk about the role of culture in change management—whether it’s possible to “lead” organisational change using culture as a vehicle. In my experience culture influences change, but culture change is not the same as change management.  Most managers and executives are well aware of how important culture is to their companies’ success. But it’s not always factored into change management processes. The least successful change initiatives tend not to consider culture. And more successful initiatives leveraged cultural strengths to support them.  It makes sense.  If the culture of an organisation is not closely aligned with the company’s strategic goals, a major change is going to be harder to pull off.      I don’t believe culture change will ever replace formal change management processes.  But culture can enable and support change, if it’s leveraged right. Maybe your company has strong informal employee networks or a learning ...