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Showing posts from November, 2020

Stages & Benefits of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching may be regarded differently by different people. While there may still be some people for whom the concept of “coaching” may carry connotations of remediation, for the most part, this outdated idea has fallen by the wayside. Executive coaching is assisting top executives, managers, and other identified leaders to perform, learn, stay healthy and balanced, and effectively guide their teams to successfully reach desired goals and exceed individual and corporate expectations. Enabling leaders to unlock and unleash their full-potential so they bring greater value and abundance to the people and entities they serve. When today’s executive decides on executive coaching for themselves or perhaps it is recommended by the Board of Directors (in the case of a CEO), the connotations are almost always positive. It says on behalf of the organisation, “We believe in you and your ability to do great things. We’re willing to invest in executive coaching so you can fulfil your potent...

Struggling with workload - what's the answer?

Senior people in organisations have a lot to do. In fact, my experience of working with senior managers and executives across a range of industries is that they have more to do than the time available to do it in and it’s never-ending and relentless! I know from clients, when they experience overwhelm i.e. ‘too much to do’, their automatic response is to work in a way to get through it all, head down. Problem is that when they follow this approach they never actually ‘get through it all’ and they will inevitably rush and take short cuts. This leads to incomplete work, mistakes and in some cases, disaster. So now they have more to do – redoing work, putting out fires caused by the incomplete work and dealing with the fallout. I think that most senior managers would recognise what I am talking about. You might ask “What’s the answer?” As much as I would like to say that there is an answer, in my experience there is no prescriptive answer that will address all scenarios. However, I do ha...

Leap of faith

It was interesting to hear KPMG in Sydney talk about the Australians fear of failure and, as a consequence the country has less entrepreneurs than other countries. The stats however don't support this belief, each of the following countries data suggests a similar number when you equate to population. USA - population of 331m (2020) and 30m registered SME businesses UK - population of 68m (2020) and 5.9m registered SME businesses Australia - population of 25m (2020) and 2.1m registered SME businesses We have all seen the effect of Globalisation and the likelihood that this will continue, however, we also see the importance of small businesses who stimulate local trade, local employment and ultimately create wealth for the local population. As with wealth distribution, which follows a similar pareto, almost 97% of businesses in any economy by volume are SME in nature. So how do entrepreneurs make a success of their dream, what makes them different and want to go it alone,...