Whichever side of the argument you are on, you cannot deny the uncertainty the Brexit negotiations are bringing to the country. Many want the situation to be resolved as quickly as possible, but there is no end in sight yet – and no idea how things will progress as we move forward. Understandably, there is uncertainty in the business world, too. If you own a business, you may be considering your position and wondering how to grow your business in the current climate. Yet while there is uncertainty regarding the global position and whether any trade deals will be made, the same cannot be said of local business concerns. In fact, thinking locally may well be the best option at present. It means you need not worry about whether a deal with the EU has or has not been made. It puts you in control of your options. It could even mean you tap into a market you previously hadn’t thought too much about. How to begin Some businesses are naturally better suited to doing b...
Rosia Bay Ltd is an Executive Coaching & Business Management support operation based in Newark. With over 35 years hands on senior leadership experience and ten years as a qualified Coach, Rosia Bay aims to provide helpful advice and insight in our posts.