I n an increasingly globalised and interconnected marketplace, the private, public, charitable and creative sectors must cultivate leaders who are visible, and who can deal with change quickly and calmly. It’s not just leaders – talented professionals at all levels need to be resilient yet adaptable in a rapidly changing world. Truly forward looking, insightful leaders will know how to bring out the exceptional qualities of their personnel and their organisations; these qualities include accountability, transparency in communications, and the ability to foster confidence and clarity in group operations. Not surprisingly, organisations led by such leaders are the most “engaged” and motivated whether the sector private or public, education, health or financial services. Against a back-drop where responsive and empathetic leadership is more crucial than ever, executive coaching has flourished. This is particularly the case where the coach assigned can offer an expert view of ho...
Rosia Bay Ltd is an Executive Coaching & Business Management support operation based in Newark. With over 35 years hands on senior leadership experience and ten years as a qualified Coach, Rosia Bay aims to provide helpful advice and insight in our posts.