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Showing posts from December, 2018

Smart Advice for Entrepreneurs: Don't Listen to Advice

Now that title is a contradiction in terms if ever I saw one. But it comes from experience. Entrepreneurs are different in many ways. They see the world differently. Most people leave school, college or university and get a job. They focus on developing a career working for someone else. They might get further up the ladder and some may eventually make a good income. Entrepreneurs don’t do that. They may already be developing several business ideas before they even leave school. And you can be certain most if not all of them will be advised to get a ‘proper job’ at some stage, probably by more than one person. A proper job is, of course, a ‘safe’ job working for someone else. I have always questioned that logic. It comes from the familiarity most people have with the life they know. This is a life in which you leave full-time education, get a job, get married, have kids and buy a house. Most people follow that path and that life, and don’t even consider why they might do anyth...